On Inventiveness

One of the most wonderful things about having your own vegie garden is going out to pick things for dinner. Sometimes it’s only fifteen minutes from the garden to plate – there is nothing fresher and I can’t help but think of how dynamic this food is – it’s so alive. The other things is inventiveness. There…

On Sharing

‘Don’t tell everyone where those red gum posts are’ says my husband ‘or there will be none left for us’. So begins another philosophical blogging moment – to share, or not to share? Apparently, according to some psychologist or another, sharing is more likely when one is happily aroused. And you know how much my…

The Problem with Excess

Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit.W. Somerset Maugham I like this quote. Perhaps this is why I over indulge – more wine please, more chilli – more other nice things :). Maybe it does relieve the tedium of the working week. That’s merely an excuse,…

Kiss my aaaaaaaaaaaaa-rtichokes

Sorry for the lame joke, but you have to blame Wallace and Grommit for that one. No one seems to know what to do with these guys, but I find them so easy to grow, a great windbreak, perfect for collecting snails (yum for ducks!), and really tasty. Just get a sharp knife and cut…

Woke up in the morning got a yearning for ‘erb

So. Beaker303 can’t eat vinegar… there goes most store bought dips. No cheese. WTF does he put in sanga for work? I’m trying an oregano pesto with fresh garlic, pepitas, olive oil, parsley, lemon, salt, pepper, and maybe a bit of ricotta… the only cheese he can eat. I figure it will double as a…

Broad bean fever

Next season I’m going to grow twenty times more broad beans. Beaker303 has hay fever and is limiting about a zillion foods. This morning I made him smashed broad beans with olive oil, lemon juice and parsley on sourdough… yum. I sat and shelled an armful in the sunshine… 30 degrees today! …. and had…