Elder, I love you

There isn’t a tree in my garden I love more than my elder tree. To me, the elder is just magical. It’s so talked about in folklore that it has gained mythic proportion – and after enjoying them in the hedgerows in England, it was the first tree we planted on our property. I’ve taken…

A Grand Design : For Chickens!

Here’s our chicken tractor being built. Its ugly, but I vowed to make it out of stuff we had lying around at all costs. It will have another 3 triangles that will clip or bolt to this coop, so they will have a nice big run. Should be easy enough for the 3 of us…

Dont buy Chinese garlic… ever!

Chinese garlic is sprayed with pesticides AND its resprayed to get it past quarantine. It isn’t half as nice as purple garlic grown here and if you can grow it yourself that’s even better. Its expensive to buy here because the crops are often weeded by hand and take a fair bit of maintenance. If…