On Smokin’ Fish

So, it’s getting warmer, which means our aquaponic trout are ready to be eaten! I’ve always loved smoked fish and it’s one of the most exciting things to come out of our garden this year. The thing is, I wasn’t about to let Jamie buy a smoker – when he could make one. Rising to…

On Birds and Birdbaths to Water Them

When we first moved to our land, there weren’t that many birds. There were a family of magpies that still bother the chooks to this day, and cockatoos that screech down at sundown into the distant pines, and whistling kites darting down to thieve mice from the golden grasses we let grow wild in the…

On Beauty, Art, Peace and Harmony.

When we first designed our garden, in the organic, free-form way that we created it – we were busy going outward, building paths and garden beds to get the bare basics of the garden done. This has taken a good few years, but now we are finally at the point where we are happy with…

On Bathstronomy

Bear with me on the title of this blog post. Firstly, we are officially mad, according to those who have seen pictures of our outdoor bath on social networks. Check out the Instagram feed for more photos. We’ve had comments to ‘gee, you guys are motivated and clever’ to ‘what would the neighbours think’ to…